Plugin to Help Migrate your Customers from XC to OrderCloud
October 25th 2022
In this previous blog post I shared a plugin to help migrating your Catalog(s) from XC to OrderCloud.
In this blog post I am sharing another useful plugin to help migrate your customers.
Instead of creating a new Plugin I decided to rename the first one and add the Customers Migration in order for code reusability and to avoid duplication.
This plugin will migrate the following Entities as shown below:
Note that in XC Addresses are Components Embedded in the Customer entities.
Some notes below about implementation decisions to make this plugin as generic as possible, allowing you to customize and adapt it to your own scenarios:
I used a Single Buyer, the same one I used for Catalog Migration.
I reused XC IDs to ease the mapping and troubleshooting.
XC Primary Address is flagged as Shipping and Billing address in OrderCloud.
How to use this Plugin:
Clone the plugin from this Github repo
Update Policy files under https://github.com/yalahyane/Alyas.Commerce.OrderCloud.DataMigration/tree/main/Policies
Add the Plugin as a project reference to your Sitecore Commerce Engine.
To run from Postman use this Endpoint: {{ServiceHost}}/{{ShopsApi}}/MigrateCustomersToOrderCloud()
I encourage you to check the XC to OrderCloud blogs series by Andrew Sutherland here.
P.S: This is not a Production-Ready plugin. This is meant to get you started. You will need to try it in a Sandbox environment and adapt it to your needs.
You can set up an Order Cloud Sandbox in https://ordercloud.io/ with an API Client.
I hope you find this plugin helpful.
Feel free to leave comments or questions.